
The Sour Taste Of Humble Pie

A few months ago I took a stab at Mixxx, the open source dj mixing software, and was pleasantly surprised to find that my review had drawn some interest.  The page views soared and the comment section actually showed some activity.  "Nice", I thought.  Until small details on my part began to show some neglect.  Neglect is fine when it's just you and your friends sharing some space.  But when outsiders start to see neglect, it's a much different story.  If

Software Review: Mixxx Open Source DJ Software

Credit is due to CDMusic for introducing me to the Mixxx Open Source DJ Software last week.   Yes, that's three X's in mixxx and I assume it would have been four X's had mixxx.org been registered already like mixx and mix were.  My first impression to CDMusic's post was WOW; free software, no additional (proprietary) hardware and compatible with vinyl control.  That's pretty much all I ever wanted.

Live Mix Show 1: "Warm It Up Chris"

02/21/2008 6:30 pm
02/21/2008 8:00 pm
Torrent Download: 

I'm launching the first ever live event for the project this evening.  I received some new records in the mail this week and I'm super excited to get a mix out to everyone.  Last minute scheduling, I know...  I know, but you can always pick it up at the torrent repo any other time.

Until Then! Chris

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