Kraftwerk Playing Coachella 2008
Submitted by chris on Sat, 02/09/2008 - 9:49pmI came across this post on Filter 27, Coachella 2008: Lineup announced. I am not usually a fan of these pop-style festivals, but I noticed in the small print that Kraftwerk would be playing. I was excited to say the least.... but not quite excited enough to brave showing up at Coachella. Too bad it's on the other side of the continent.
LiquidSoap on Fedora 8 - First Attempt
Submitted by chris on Fri, 02/08/2008 - 2:43amWe have a new task. Not sure that anyone really prefers to listen to ogg as much as mp3, so we're going to increase our availability. Our task is to install liquidsoap in order to accomplish this feat. On Fedora 8 it's been difficult to find a solution. I have not been able to track down any binary packages for FC8, so we've taken it upon ourselves (or myself) to figure it out.... On Fedora, we do the following.
Ubuntu is Pretty Darn Cool
Submitted by chris on Sat, 01/12/2008 - 4:11pmMuch respect to the Ubuntu folks for their fine distribution. With too much delay, I have installed Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy something or other) and I am so pleasantly surprised. I have been such a strong follower of the Red Hat & Fedora initiatives that I never stopped to check out Ubuntu.