
Soul Clap Makes Me Want To Visit Boston

I have been lurking around Soul Clap for the past two weeks. Lurking really encompasses just a few things: I added them as a favorite on technorati, I read a bunch of posts on the site, I subscribed to their podcast and I actually listened to the podcasts.

Raconteurs Sell New Album Online

I definitely don't see The Raconteurs as an obvious fit for the site, but I must break my own completely-made-up-bloglines to make sure this gets posted.

Robert Hood Takes Me Back... Way Back

There's a lyric on the Arctic Monkey's latest album that keeps hitting pretty close: "Who wants to sleep in the city that never wakes up? Blinded by nostalgia".  As I was reading about Robert Hood's new mix being released, it hit me once again.  I certainly do live in a city "that never wakes up". 

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